Upgrade your skills and be competent for the on demand jobs with this 3DS MAX courses
Basic principles of 3D | Learn some of the applications of 3D (and possible career paths) | and we will also create our first basic rendering in this section.
Basic principles of 3D | Learn some of the applications of 3D (and possible career paths) | and we will also create our first basic rendering in this section.
Introduce the interface- menus | command panel | Other tool panels | Navigate view ports | Create& modify objects | Select | Transform | Duplicate & pivot point methods.
Surface normal and backface culling | Basic scene management | Layer management
Unit and measurement | Snapping | Align objects
Introduction to splines | Spline vertex types | Spline modification | Spline Boolean operation | Cross-insert and weld | Spline modifiers
Primitive versus editable objects | Introduction to editable poly | Sub-object selection | Edge modelling techniques | Cut and slice techniques | Border modelling techniques | Polygon modelling techniques | NURMS
Model round coffee table | Dining table | Cupboard | Hammer & chair
Modelling the room base | The window | the door | the curtain | Photo-frame | Down-light | The TV cabinets | Sofa | Coffee table and the carpet | The floor lamp| Car body modelling | Basic character modelling & rigging | Human modelling | Importing assets from external file
Introduction to material | Standard material | Material management | Multi/sub-object materials | Texture and UV mapping | Procedural maps | Bump map & displacement map | Translucent materials | Chrome materials | Picture materials & light materials
Adding lights | Sun | Sky & advanced light parameters | Setting camera & camera settings Basic to advanced rendering techniques -Interactive rendering & render elements | Video rendering & Video post rendering
Setting up an animation scene | Time line | Keying | Basic animation using primitives | IK & FK Animation | Handle Graph editor & editing gears
Architectural visualization 60 sec Animated video (including character animation).
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