Job in Gulf : That is a dream of all job aspirants, especially people of Kerala. In the United Arab Emirates, as a country that’s seeing so much growth and change, it makes sense that professionals who have specific skills, especially those who are specialized in finance are going to be needed more than ever. UAE finance sector is growing rapidly along with the implementation of VAT policy. Therefore, UAE businesses shall be in need of qualified Finance professionals.
Any type of business enterprise, even for a small business owner like entrepreneurs and novice experts, an accountant is crucial. You need to understand that accounting is the tax language of commerce and having sufficient knowledge of accounting skills is critical for businessmen and women to be aware how their commercial enterprise is thriving. These are the reasons why accountant services are in such high demand these days. That is why Accounting is gaining its demand. In addition to, many accountants have turned out to be rather prosperous in their field and some have even started their own companies.
Accounting is the backbone of any business. And when you see a professional accountant, you can always see their professionalism in their job. Building a career in the accounting field is not easy, but with hard work and dedication, you can become a professional accountant. So if you want to become a professional accountant in UAE, then you must follow the below-mentioned steps, which will fulfill your dream of ‘job in gulf’.
Top business sectors to get a job in Gulf are,
- Information Technology
- Finance
- Marketing
- Procurement
- Legal
- Hospitality
- Electronics and Telecom
- Tourism
Gulf job market is one of the most in-demand markets in the world right now, but it can sometimes be a tricky landscape to navigate. Recruitment standards are high because there are so many skilled candidates available to employers, which makes it common for recruiters to only spend 5 seconds looking through candidates’ resumes before deciding whether or not they will get an interview.
One common mistake that CV’s tend to make is using buzzwords. For example, if all you have on your resume is stuff like “I am extremely dedicated and adept at achieving targets,” recruiters will know immediately – because there are hundreds of other people who can say exactly the same thing, meaning that these statements don’t really tell the recruiter anything about how you could benefit them…unless you also include proof points behind them like actual metrics you’re aiming for, projects you completed successfully in prior roles, among other things.
7 Technical Skills you should master to get a job in Gulf.
- Letter drafting
Emailed correspondence is awesome, but sometimes it’s better to get on paper. Perhaps you’re applying for a job, asking for more money or letting someone know you’ll no longer be working for them. We will train you on how to write an official letter that can enhance your chances of getting what you want with clear concise communications!
- Printing
Just as soft skills, it is very important to know how to handle the printer devices in your office. There can occur lots of unexpected problems like paper jamming, error in setting the document properly for specific printers, printer settings not right etc. So you need to master atleast basic skills on how to handle an office printer. Moreover, it is important to learn how to set the paper properly in terms of margins, selecting the correct font size for the document and the like. These knowledge will support you in many occasions of your job in Gulf.
- Presentation
A good presenter never forgets that the point of their presentation is to demonstrate the merits of what they’re selling. They connect with individuals in the audience by recalling how they felt when they first learned something important, or another profound instance where the information or actionable information would have helped them. If your aim is to get a job in gulf, you should be good in presentations.
- Client management
Majority of the job in Gulf demand high level of client management skills. Consider sending your customer updates on your progress with their tasks. Client management involves letting customers know your company is trustworthy, honest, and reliable. If you do this, you can offer confidence to the customer that his or her tasks are being worked on. Consider sending updates weekly on what you have been working on for them or any progress concerning their project(s).
- Data storage
From USB flash drives to Network-attached storage (NAS), small business devices are more versatile than ever. They can be found in everything from smartphone memory chips to mainframe servers that are networked anywhere across the world! This is another technical skill you must master to secure job in Gulf.
- Data analysis
It’s important for you to know where data is coming from – but also, the importance of keeping it safe. Data is critical in helping organizations make better decisions pertinent to their overall success. This can be done through various analytics tools to track business operations including stock market trends, user engagement, customer support reports and more! Allowing your organization access to past user data can prove very insightful when attributing these trends with positive behavior within the industry that may benefit your brand.
Mastering Advanced Excel will give you an upper edge in Data Analysis to a greater extend. With adequate knowledge in Macros and its applications, you can avoid using expensive data analysis tools in many use cases. So, if you are dreaming a job in Gulf, learning advanced excel will help you a lot.
- Accounting
Accountants play a critical role in helping to keep things organized and on-track. When bills come due or investors want to know the latest goings-on, accountants help management and leadership teams understand where they stand with regard to their numbers while also bringing some much needed clarity to the workplace.
Also right skills in Accounting is quite important. For eg, Tally is common in India,but that is not the case in Gulf countries. Hence you should master multiple accounting softwares to fulfill same functionalities like Peachtree, SAGE etc. Sometimes, knowledge in advanced features of MS Excel will come very handy.
Which course you should do to master these skills?

There are courses offered by many institutions assuring job in Gulf after their studies. But unfortunately most of them do not meet the above important skills sets, which are very much needed to secure a job in Gulf.
Here comes the importance of ‘Gulf Package’ course offered by Skillspark. The course is designed after thorough understanding of the demands of companies in Gulf and also after interacting with major employers in Gulf region.
The above course will empower prospective candidates to master skills to secure job in major segments and not Accounting alone. For more information on the course, please visit
Further, it is important to crack job interviews in Gulf, which is not that easy as you think. Starting from preparation of your CV, that way you dress, speak, body language and more, they will have a first round evaluation during the initial few minutes itself. Hence, it is important to master these soft skills as well.
Don’t be disappointed ! We have special personality development program to empower you ready for the job interview to make your dream come true of a job in Gulf.
Below are few tips to crack your interview in Gulf.
How to prepare for interviews to get a job in Gulf?
- Be dressed in the very formal manner.
- Come up with a list of questions you’d like to ask the hiring manager and be sure to conduct enough research on your own before the interview.
- Never underestimate the importance of basic human interaction; these skills can make or break whether or not you get hired at any given company!
- When speaking with someone who’s interviewing candidates for an open position or assisting another employee, be sure to maintain eye contact, smile, and generally present yourself as confident.
- Having good nonverbal communication will even make up for any job experience mistakes whether intentional or unintentional!
The job opportunities in Gulf are many. But the skills you master and the way you carve your technical as well as non technical skills play a crucial role. With proper skills and streamlined preparations, we can assure you a job in Gulf.